
Before you start scrolling, read:

This website might not be for you if you tend to think that:

Nota bene: these statements should not convey the idea that the author rejects technologies, obviously not. The author of this text is a technophile and a technologist.

I made this webpage to tell you that:

I can help you with digital things, so you can focus on your job, instead of spending time dealing with unnecessarily sophisticated

When I see a website that is unnecessarily sophisticated, I feel I am being mislead. For the ancient Greeks thought of sophists (that is the root of sophisticated) as rhetoricians who (mis)lead their public to believe something through a fallacious-yet-convincing reasoning. The etymology dictionary says early usage of the word sophisticate in English circa 1500 implied altered dishonestly. In my mind, sophisticated resonates with bamboozling.

digital tools.

What do I do?

I can do system administration

I use GNU/Linux, Ngnix, Codeberg Page, etc.

and web development

I keep things simple, I use HTML, CSS, Markdown and some static site generators, usually written in Bash and often using Pandoc.

AND I’ve also spent a number of years helping businesses adopting digital tools to help grow revenue. Some people call this practice growth

But what is the point of growing revenue if it means that we have to “run faster” to maintain the same level of income? In other words, what’s the point of growing revenue if your Return on Investment (ROI) is dwindling? Digital tools I call digital glebes cause dwindling ROIs.

or product marketing.

In plain words:

my job is to take care of the digital tools you need,

so you can focus on:

I keep things simple, I document what I do, I use freely distributed software, and help you make money.


So you don’t become dependent on me, or on a vendor.

Once I’ve set things up, you can call me back if you need help, or you can hire someone else (or I can train your people).

My value proposition is that there is no vendor lock-in

From Wikipedia: “vendor lock-in, also known as proprietary lock-in or customer lock-in, makes a customer dependent on a vendor for products, unable to use another vendor without substantial switching costs.”

; you are free to go, anytime.

What can I do?

These bullet points list examples of what I can do for you:

How do I do things?


You can contact me on (My PGP public key).

My PGP fingerprint is:

2E0F FB60 7FEF 11D0 FB45 4DDC E979 E52A 7036 7A88

We can work in English ou en Français.


Postscriptum: I am in the process of publishing some documentation for others to replicate this agency model.

agency.yctct.com © 2024 by Roman Philip is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.

This webpage is made using Markdown, Pandoc, Bash, HTML, 7 10 about 50 lines of CSS (as of now) and is hosted on a virtual machine running the free GNU/Linux distribution Trisquel

FAQ: Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux are both composed of binary blobs, i.e. proprietary programmes.

along with Nginx, on a shared server.

This webpage is a fork from https://plaintext.website; credit: Matt Stevans for the inline footnotes.

Data collection policy

There is no “privacy policy”, only Data Collection Policies.

: logs are kept for four weeks; only looked at if there is an issue. No analytics, cookies or trackers are used on this website.