Will technology companies become like banks?


Will we become tethered to a digital system we feel uneasy about, yet can no longer live without?

Will usage of that system shape what we can and can not see, undermine our ability to imagine alternatives, and prevent us to see new opportunities?

To say this, is not to say that we should do IT ourselves (or not have banks) obviously.

Quitting glebes (i.e. territories users have no agency over1) does not mean going DIY2.

You can have an organisation taking care of your IT needs, yet maintain agency over your systems.

You don’t have to give up agency when you adopt digital tools.

For some of us this is hard to imagine. We think of digital adoption as a trade-off where we have to give up agency in exchange for some services. We think there is no alternatives to this model.

Yet alternatives exist.

My job is to help organisations use digital tools to do business while maintaining agency over their digital systems.

What can I do?

How do I do things?


You can contact me on (My PGP public key).

My PGP fingerprint is:

2E0F FB60 7FEF 11D0 FB45 4DDC E979 E52A 7036 7A88

We can work in English ou en Français.


Postscriptum: I am in the process of publishing some documentation for others to replicate this agency model.

agency.yctct.com © 2024 by Roman Philip is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.

This webpage is made using Markdown, Pandoc, Bash, HTML, 6 lines of CSS and is hosted on a virtual machine running the free GNU/Linux distribution Trisquel10 along with Nginx, on a shared server.

This webpage is a fork from https://plaintext.website.

Data collection policy11: logs are kept for four weeks; only looked at if there is an issue. No analytics, cookies or trackers are used on this website.

  1. See definition of a glebe on https://technofeudalism.fyi↩︎

  2. Do It Yourself↩︎

  3. for example see https://plaintext.website (we can put photos etc)↩︎

  4. Most digital technologies agencies nudge their clients to adopt tools provided by technofeudalists. By doing so, agencies prompt their clients to build their businesses or practices on the glebe (a territory where their agency is undermined). I don’t. I use software which are not tethered to any digital glebes or vendors. I use software which usage is free as in unrestricted, and which will remain freely distributed (i.e. copyleft-licensed).↩︎

  5. See Free does not mean gratis: lexical clarifications towards digital literacy↩︎

  6. Software which can’t become proprietary; conversely, free software which is non-copyleft licensed can become proprietary.↩︎

  7. The sphere of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) consumes as much energy as the aviation industry; source: KDE talk at CCC.↩︎

  8. See Use old programmes↩︎

  9. See Digital accessibility & inclusivity↩︎

  10. FAQ: Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux are both composed of binary blobs, i.e. proprietary programmes.↩︎

  11. There is no “privacy policy”, only Data Collection Policies.↩︎